Invisible blessings

Invisible blessings

Nicole Charest To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty hidden to material eyes; it is to activate the law of attraction which, from the furthest reaches of the universe, will bring into your life exactly what you need to experience and enjoy....
Doing Good

Doing Good

Whenever the opportunity arises to do something good for others, do not hesitate, do it. Tell yourself, “I want to make myself useful. I want to help those in need and in pain, and never mind if there is nothing in it for me and I am not rewarded for my efforts” And,...
Imagine Something Better

Imagine Something Better

Author Sarah Bessey names the need to be “for” something good, not merely “against” what is wrong: Imagining and contending for what you hope for in this world is one of the hardest and kindest paths I’ve discovered out here. In the midst of all this, don’t forget to...
Expanding Our Images of God

Expanding Our Images of God

Author Shannon K. Evans finds in Julian of Norwich a model for how to expand our images of God: To Julian of Norwich, feminine depictions of God were not radical, subversive, or rebellious. They were obvious, inevitable, and clear. She didn’t feel the need to defend...
Excerpt from “Keep Going or The Art of Perseverance”

Excerpt from “Keep Going or The Art of Perseverance”

Joseph Marshall III, Lakota writer, historian, teacher. “A young man asked his grandfather why life had to be so difficult sometimes. This is the old man’s reply. “Grandfather says this: ‘In life there is sadness as well as joy, losing as well...
Let Your Light Shine: The Path to Collective Healing and Love

Let Your Light Shine: The Path to Collective Healing and Love

Things are not always as they seem. And in our life, we may have the tendency to jump to conclusions or go by appearances. Yet, many truths are hidden and need to be revealed. Our inner guidance needs to be attuned to as it is not always obvious. Yet when we are open...