Spiritual Texts

In this section we will regularly present texts from all horizons which we hope will help those who are on a spiritual path to progress and to broaden their perspective on what constitutes spirituality which many people tend to encompass in rather narrow limits.

We want all readers to feel welcome and included, and while in these texts we will use “God“ whenever an author chooses that term, we should like to point out that there are many, many different names and attributes for deity: divine or cosmic Love, Creator, Source, Infinite Mind, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, Great Spirit, It, Universe, Principle, Father-Mother, etc. etc. So please choose what best resonates with you!

A Place to Worship

A Place to Worship

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff Magnificent Monastery For the longest time, I wished that I had a church, temple, mosque or synagogue to attend. I could find no special place that called to my heart and helped my soul sing. In years past, there had always been a place: top of a...

Mindfulness of Love

Mindfulness of Love

Buddhist practitioners Peggy Rowe Ward and Larry Ward invite us to engage the breaches of the world with the “mindfulness of love”: The mindfulness tradition calls us home to our true hearts and minds, to the realization of our true identity and our connectedness to...

What If?

What If?

What If?there was a place where we could practicerespecting religious differences while honoring sameness?Perhaps then we could . . .recognize the face of our brother and sisterbeyond color, dress or language. What if?there was a place where we could...



The following  excerpt was shared during the 2023 Interfaith Compassion Challenge organized by Servicespace.org and is from the foundation of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. It was offered by Ray Davis. He is a singer/songwriter, actor and Qabalist. He lives with his...

Excerpt on Gratitude

Excerpt on Gratitude

from Principles of TransformationIntroduction by Fred Burks, Founder of Peers Though I have worked as a language interpreter for George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and many other world leaders, I am in my core a deeply spiritual being committed to personal and global...

Being Judgemental

Being Judgemental

Eckhart Tolle (excerpt)"It is impossible to bless and to judge at the same time. So hold constantly as a deep, hallowed, intoned thought that desire to bless, for truly then shall you become a peacemaker, and one day you shall, everywhere, behold the very face of...

Seeing and Holding in Love

Seeing and Holding in Love

In the same waythat the skysoftly holds the cloudswithout tryingto control their activity,may we hold a spacefor each other. We can do thisby letting our awarenessrest on themwithout the tiniest thoughtthat in this momentthey should be differentin any way. We see...

Sounds of the Genuine

Sounds of the Genuine

Howard ThurmanThere is in every person something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine ... There is in you something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. Nobody like you has ever been born and no one like you will ever be born...

Compassion Meditation

Compassion Meditation

Professor and Sister of St. Joseph Catherine Nerney shares a prayer practice that strengthens our compassion for ourselves, one another, and the world: We are called to be compassion for our world. But to grow in this capacity, we must practice, practice, practice the...

Experiencing Your Divinity

Experiencing Your Divinity

Steve Farrell* • Jun 07, 2023In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, it’s easy to lose sight of our inherent divinity. Yet, within each of us lies a spark of something greater, something sacred that connects us to the divine. Experiencing your divinity is...

The Karma Yoga of Blessing

The Karma Yoga of Blessing

Karma Yoga is a spiritual teaching found in the Bhagavad Gita, one of the holy scriptures of Hinduism. It recommends a complete detachment of the self from our action – a concept that has also been expressed by other spiritual writers, for example Isaiah’s statement...

The Spirituality of Letting Go

The Spirituality of Letting Go

Fr Richard Rohr, Center for Action and Contemplation God* asks only that you get out of God’s way and let God be God in you. - Meister Eckhart, sermon on 1 John 4:9    Father Richard describes the spiritual discipline of detachment as the practice of...

Excerpt from  Eileen Caddy, Opening Doors Within

Excerpt from  Eileen Caddy, Opening Doors Within

“Dedicate yourself this day to me, to my service, and to the service of humanity. Service is a wonderful healer, for as you forget yourself in service, you will find you will grow and expand in the most wonderful way. You will reach great heights and plumb great...

Divine Love

Divine Love

The following is an excerpt from  How to Cultivate Divine Love By Paramahansa Yogananda -- Read more: http://yogananda.com.au/pyr/love1.html#reallove The world as a whole has forgotten the real meaning of the word love. Love has been so abused and crucified by man...

My kind of spirituality

My kind of spirituality

By Cristen Rodgers Introduction by Pierre  Close to forty years ago, Byron Katie, for me one of the leading figures of the personal development movement during the past generation, made the comment that the greatest challenge to the world was … confusion. Not...

We are all Beings of Light

We are all Beings of Light

It is through our connection to our light that we know things beyond what the visible world can tell us. We are all beings of light. Put another way, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. As children, most of us know this, but other human beings who have...

Your Healing Connection: A Vision of Oneness

Your Healing Connection: A Vision of Oneness

Excerpts from Deborah King’s blog of December 15, 2022, on the power of sutra meditation. To read the entire blog, please visit https://deborahking.com/sutra-meditation/ On that site you will find information on Ms. King’s background as a spiritual teacher and her...

The Quest for a Mustard Seed

The Quest for a Mustard Seed

 - or being of service to others When it comes to releasing the vibration of fear from your body, mind, and heart, the biggest fear by far is that of death—the death of yourself and the death of your loved ones. In the spiritual realm, it is the death of that...

A benevolent Universe

A benevolent Universe

Satish Kumar We live in a benevolent universe. . . .   The benevolence of the soil is endless; it helps one single seed to multiply into millions of seeds for hundreds of years, producing colourful, aromatic, juicy and delicious fruit, feeding birds, bees,...

The Way Forward

The Way Forward

A Ten-Point Road sign from Science and Spiritualityby Ervin Laszlo Note to our visitors:  We share here a few of the ten points Dr. Laszlo writes about and we encourage you to click on this link to read his important article in its...