Reflections on Meditation

Reflections on Meditation

“In this age of instant, easy communication, many of us are just bombarded with numerous often excellent opportunities to join this or that global meditation. However, choosing in this mass of opportunities is a bit like choosing fruits in a huge supermarket...
Satisfying One’s Soul

Satisfying One’s Soul

In this life, in any given moment, in one way or another (and more or less as you imagined), you will receive what you asked for… Do not doubt it. As a result, learn how to monitor your requests because nothing that was designed or created here below can satisfy your...
The End of Knowing

The End of Knowing

(Fr Richard Rohr’s Meditation for Friday, October 12, 2018) Our note: if the word God does not resonate with you, change it to one of the many other names for deity – Cosmic Love, Great Spirit, Infinite, Divine, Allah, etc. etc. “Love never fails. But where there are...
An Infinitely Friendly Universe

An Infinitely Friendly Universe

  In her book The Healing Secrets of the Ages, Catherine Ponder writes: “Bless the world around you unselfishly with divine order. As you do so, you release the power of order into the atmosphere to do its perfect work. Look for, expect and give thanks for divine...