The Quest for a Mustard Seed

The Quest for a Mustard Seed

 – or being of service to others When it comes to releasing the vibration of fear from your body, mind, and heart, the biggest fear by far is that of death—the death of yourself and the death of your loved ones. In the spiritual realm, it is the death of that...
How authority wanes

How authority wanes

Until Gutenberg invented the printing press, it was difficult to challenge authority, hence the stability of the systems in place for centuries, even millennia. The printing press allowed an increase in the circulation of ideas in all fields, which accelerated even...
Contemplative Walking

Contemplative Walking

Christine Valters Paintner describes the ancient and accessible contemplative practice of walking or moving slowly through the natural world as a way of connecting with God. This is clearly the “road not taken” by too many of us in the modern world, even though it...
A blessing for people suffering from depression

A blessing for people suffering from depression

According to WHO (January 2020)  globally, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. Before giving this blessing,...
Thoughts on Love and Life, excerpts from Rumi’s poems

Thoughts on Love and Life, excerpts from Rumi’s poems

What in your life is calling you, when all the noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned… the lists laid aside, and the wild iris blooms by itself in the dark forest… what still pulls on your soul? Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the...