The Sun Is Always Shining

The Sun Is Always Shining

If darkness has fallen, know that the sun is shining at this very moment, somewhere not too far away. There are times when gloom or darkness causes us to momentarily lose sight of the light. It is at these times when the thought of the sun can help us. Its warm,...
Say NO to Compassion Fatigue!

Say NO to Compassion Fatigue!

There is a great difference between sympathy (from the Greek sym-, with – and pathein-, to suffer, i.e., to suffer with) and compassion. With compassion, one’s heart goes out to others to uplift and console them, strengthen them and express the deepest caring for...
In the Aftermath of Terrorist Attacks

In the Aftermath of Terrorist Attacks

We live in a world where it appears that in most countries, almost anywhere, anyone can be blown up at any time. Yet many know that spiritual power, if intelligently harnessed, could be a major tool in offsetting this insanity so often due to desperation or hate. From...
Seeing and Holding in Love

Seeing and Holding in Love

In the same waythat the skysoftly holds the cloudswithout tryingto control their activity,may we hold a spacefor each other. We can do thisby letting our awarenessrest on themwithout the tiniest thoughtthat in this momentthey should be differentin any way. We see...
My kind of spirituality

My kind of spirituality

By Cristen Rodgers Introduction by Pierre  Close to forty years ago, Byron Katie, for me one of the leading figures of the personal development movement during the past generation, made the comment that the greatest challenge to the world was … confusion. Not...