In Italy, a school teaches reconciliation over revenge.

In Italy, a school teaches reconciliation over revenge.

What if you had to be roommates with your enemy? That’s the idea behind a unique school in Italy. When students find calm away from conflict and ancient hatreds, the school has found, there is space to find peace. As conflicts rage around the world, there is a place...


The following  excerpt was shared during the 2023 Interfaith Compassion Challenge organized by and is from the foundation of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. It was offered by Ray Davis. He is a singer/songwriter, actor and Qabalist. He lives with his...
Back to…the Information Explosion

Back to…the Information Explosion

I feel like coming back to this topic already handled in the April blog, given the immense importance of the theme and the appearance and practice of “Fake news” which still complicates the debate. Although the practice itself is certainly not new it seems to have...
Sounds of the Genuine

Sounds of the Genuine

Howard Thurman There is in every person something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine … There is in you something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. Nobody like you has ever been born and no one like you will ever be...
A society with fragmented attention

A society with fragmented attention

We live in a society where our attention is solicited to an extent never experienced before in human history. There are few public places where our attention is not constantly challenged by all kinds of messages, whether they are advertising (generally) but also of...