Love – the supreme authority

Love – the supreme authority

This blog is an excerpt from Pierre’s book Apprendre à s’aimer Available only in French, our translation “To love is to desire the true good for others and for oneself”. There is a reality in the universe that constitutes the ultimate Reality, a law that nullifies all...
Our life is like a river

Our life is like a river

Pierre’s final blog shares thoughts from his book Et ainsi coule la riviere (and thus flows the river) published in French in 2022. “It’s the positive energy we put into the events of our lives that ensures that, like the meandering river, we always...
Say NO to Compassion Fatigue!

Say NO to Compassion Fatigue!

There is a great difference between sympathy (from the Greek sym-, with – and pathein-, to suffer, i.e., to suffer with) and compassion. With compassion, one’s heart goes out to others to uplift and console them, strengthen them and express the deepest caring for...
Excerpt on Gratitude

Excerpt on Gratitude

from Principles of Transformation Introduction by Fred Burks, Founder of Peers Though I have worked as a language interpreter for George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and many other world leaders, I am in my core a deeply spiritual being committed to personal and global...
Towards a spirituality of Service

Towards a spirituality of Service

My blog this month is an excerpt from my new book, The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment – A Guide to Discovering Your Personal Path. “Towards a spirituality of service” is a very timely topic when one considers all the challenges facing humanity – from deadly...