World Problems Will Be Solved By A Change of Consciousness

World Problems Will Be Solved By A Change of Consciousness

from Our Spiritual Resources by Joel S. Goldsmith, slightly modified and abridged “With a new view of the world supporting a new consciousness, we could transcend the quagmire of the current crisis and set out on the path we were meant to follow a path of cooperation...
The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse

    When the lighthouse beams its light, it does not measure the intensity if the storm, nor judge it. Before shining its light, it does not say to itself: “I need to understand where my light goes and why.” All the lighthouse knows is that it was built to...

The Might of Love’s Tenderness

Pierre Pradervand The seashell called angel wing is delicate and exquisitely beautiful. One sometimes finds numbers of them on the shore when the tide recedes, their winsome loveliness resting gently on the sand. One wonders why they were not crushed to smithereens in...

He chose me to be

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” (Jer. 1:5) Our minds cannot comprehend how special each soul is to God. We do not understand the dignity that is ours when His Goodness chose each one of us to live, to think, to know, to see, to love. We did...