A simpler life is a happier life.

A simpler life is a happier life.

Excerpts from the writings of Yogananda Happiness is not dependent on external circumstances; rather, it is to be found in the simpler joys of life, and most of all in the ever-new bliss of deep meditation…. Be happy by clinging to the simple, true, and lasting...
No Better Place to Meet Yourself

No Better Place to Meet Yourself

“In the whirl and swirl of our modern world, I bless myself in my ability to step aside, stop, and enjoy the greatest gift of all:  the infinite simplicity and riches of Your Presence…. “I bless my fellow humans that they may discover the healing peace of uncluttered...

Blessing and the Spiritual Path

Recently Les Voies de Soi asked Pierre to talk about his spiritual path. In this just released informal video conversation Pierre shares with us the role the practice of blessing has had in his life: ”demolishing” the ego, fostering unconditional love, compassion and...

The Story of Mohan

Adapted from Martine Quantric-Seguy’s “Au Bord du Gange” – Seuil, Paris, 1998 (Translated by Pierre Pradervand & edited by Ronald Radford) A man called Mohan who was a spiritual seeker had approached different masters.  None had satisfied...