Journey to Self-discovery

Journey to Self-discovery

By Marie Laure Ferrari Note: Pierre  reminds us that in non-dualism (vision of the unity of all things, where absolutely ALL is divine, infinite Love expressing itself) the spiritual seeker is already at the top of the mountain and only the fog prevents him from...
Clear intention + blessing = pure spiritual dynamite

Clear intention + blessing = pure spiritual dynamite

“Blessings …serve not only those who emit them, and not only those to whom they are addressed, but all people in the human community.” From Dr. Laszlo’s Foreword to 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World. After a professional career spanning well over 50...
An Infinitely Friendly Universe

An Infinitely Friendly Universe

  In her book The Healing Secrets of the Ages, Catherine Ponder writes: “Bless the world around you unselfishly with divine order. As you do so, you release the power of order into the atmosphere to do its perfect work. Look for, expect and give thanks for divine...
Decluttering Your Mind

Decluttering Your Mind

Guest blog by Sandy Wilder One reason so many of us struggle with making progress and experiencing freedom, is that we are so identified with our minds that we often confuse our mind with our identity. Your mind is one of your faculties, but it is not who you are. It...