Below is an excerpt from a recent feature in “Grateful Changemakers” of We hope this short summary will encourage you to click on the link and read the entire inspiring story and, who knows, perhaps get involved.

“Music is a great force for healing – something we all need in our lives…We are more committed than ever to the importance of our work. That’s because it is so powerful – able to build bridges between people, able to evoke memories and emotions, and as more and more research is showing – able to help people feel better.”

Since 2002, Musicians for World Harmony (MWH) has used the healing power of music to serve at least 10,000 people impacted by disease, aging, war, and cultural divides. Its work in the U.S. and Africa has touched seniors living with dementia, children living with Nodding Syndrome and AIDS, communities living with the impact of war, refugees and immigrants living in new places and cultures, and students living with the challenges of adolescence. Music’s unique power to bridge divides and cultivate belonging enlivens those who participate in and bear witness to MWH programs. MWH has facilitated one-time and ongoing programs in villages, community and senior centers, schools, orphanages, rehabilitation centers, and hospitals throughout the U.S. and Africa, including New York State, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania.

MWH Founder and Executive Director Samite Mulondo — a professional musician and former refugee — serves as an influential advocate of the work. As a small nonprofit, MWH relies on partnership and collaboration to continue and expand its initiatives. To facilitate much of the music therapy programming, MWH collaborates with trained music therapists as well as students of music therapy. MWH has partnered with the Berklee College of Music and Ithaca College to help facilitate programming in the U.S. and abroad.