Questions and Answers
This section will reply to your questions pertaining to the practice of blessing and spiritual life in general. Please frame your questions so that they are meaningful to a broad audience (e.g. “What is your view on the spiritual impact of fasting?” rather than “Should I avoid fasting on my birthday?”), sign them with your first name and the city/area and country where you live and email to Manuela at
Why send love to dictators or leaders whose policies we disapprove of?
Luc Bodin, who shared Pierre’s blessing for politicians on his site has a very good answer to the question below Q. Why send love to dictators or leaders whose policies we disapprove of? If we send them negative thoughts , we lower their...
I’d like to work on creating blessings for specific people and situations
Question: I’d like to work on creating blessings for specific people and situations. When you write your blessings, do you have a format or way to help you make them as clear and direct for the greatest benefit to the recipients? Answer: Of all the 15 or so books I...
How can I emerge, without a feeling of guilt or failure, from a church membership
Question: How can I emerge, without a feeling of guilt or failure, from a church membership that no longer serves me with a sense of peace and wholeness as I embrace other teachings? Answer: More and more people nowadays are leaving their churches and old spiritual...
4 questions taken from January 2016 Awakin’ interview
The four questions which follow were asked of Pierre during a global telephone interview he had in early January 2016 with Awakin’s Pavi Mehta. The entire interview (replay and transcript) is here: Question: I'm...
How do I formulate a blessing?
Question:I believe in the power of blessing and I also use many affirmations but nothing happens with my visualizations. I would like to know how to formulate a blessing as I am looking for employment and in spite of numerous job applications, nothing is happening. So...