Guest blog ~  Joel S. Goldsmith

Once more, Joel Goldsmith – one of a tiny handful of non-dual thinkers of Christian origin (but who very much formulated his own original and powerful vision of this teaching) – stresses that we are nothing of ourselves, any more than a wave could exist separate from the ocean which carries it. We ARE the infinite abundance of divine Love expressing itself and the more this idea becomes a lived reality moment by moment, the more this abundance will manifest in our lives – in a myriad form. PP        

Suppose you looked at a seed and refused to plant it; because you could not see that there is an invisible life-force in that piece of inanimate matter.  The seed, then, would remain a seed forever.  But there is a life that acts upon the seed — in it and through it — causing it to break open, to form, and to take root.  There is an invisible life that does that.  It is called nature; but nobody knows any more about the operation of nature than he knows about that of God.  We simply take on faith the truth that there is life working in the seed and that that life will appear outwardly as a plant.

How readily we accept what we see in nature as having its source in what is not visible!  How simple this is to understand!  Why are we not as willing to accept the truth that, as branches of the Tree of Life, we are not self-sustaining?  Why do we continue to think of ourselves as separate human beings, each one dependent upon himself for his wisdom, supply, understanding, and intelligence— even for the health and strength of his body?  Why do we never once think of this universal life flowing as an invisible bond into and through each one of us, and realize that it is this life-force that appears as the fulfillment of our life?

Without this life pouring through us, we can do nothing.  “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit” — not a little, and not that we beg for it, not that we plead for it, not that we get on our knees and wonder why it is being kept from us.

God is glorified in that we bring forth much fruit.  That glory cannot come, however, unless we can see that it is not our wisdom that produces it — nor our strength, nor our understanding, nor our learning, not even our business acumen or our ability in the world of economics and politics; but, rather, that whatever of good comes into our experience is the fruitage of that eternal life.  We do not beg for that.  We do not plead for it.  We do not pray for it.  We open ourselves to its flow.

Source: Leave Your Nets, by Joel S. Goldsmith. Chapter 3: Self-Completeness, Pages 27-29
For information on Joel S. Goldsmith’s teachings and books, please visit