The Sun Is Always Shining

The Sun Is Always Shining

If darkness has fallen, know that the sun is shining at this very moment, somewhere not too far away. There are times when gloom or darkness causes us to momentarily lose sight of the light. It is at these times when the thought of the sun can help us. Its warm,...


Our November guest blog is reprinted from Luc Bodin’s September newsletter, and we encourage you to visit his site at Pierre’s note: Luc Bodin is one of those too rare thinkers who think outside the square box of the “system”...
Understanding Oneness

Understanding Oneness

Every thought we have and action we take becomes part of the collective energy of the planet. Sometimes we look at the actions of others and find it difficult to understand what motivates them. But we are all doing the best we can with the information we currently...
Love is the key to our evolution

Love is the key to our evolution

by Luc Bodin Many are wondering about their life path which is a good question. It is not always easy to answer them. However, one thing is common to all missions, it is to experience love, to live love, to radiate love during this...