We are Here to Love

We are Here to Love

We are here to love and not to hate,To seek the paths of peace, not war,To forgive and not to avenge,To learn deep life lessonsFrom each other. We are here to learn the laws of Love,The laws of Wisdom,The laws of Truth,The laws of Justice,The laws of Goodness,The laws...
Divine Love’s Tenderness

Divine Love’s Tenderness

The seashell called angel wing is delicate and exquisitely beautiful. One sometimes finds numbers of them on the shore when the tide recedes, their winsome loveliness resting gently on the sand. One wonders why they were not crushed to smithereens in the pounding of...
A glimmer of hope for education in Israel

A glimmer of hope for education in Israel

In one of his blessings, Pierre writes “All over the world, there are millions of people who serve in silence, who do good around them, who sow seeds of love and compassion, unheralded and infinitely modest about their achievements. However, they are the glue that...
Don’t give in to gloom and doom

Don’t give in to gloom and doom

No, I won’t give in to gloom and doom.My power is laughter, joy, the awareness that something greater vibrates behind the media and the world’s dramas.No, I’m not a better person if I suffer with those who suffer.No, I’m not a bad person if I...