Blessing for Global Oneness Day – October 24 2017

Blessing for Global Oneness Day – October 24 2017

Composed  by Pierre Pradervand for Humanity’s Team We bless You, Infinite Love, for the clearest sense of oneness which is realizing that absolutely all is infinite Life and its infinite manifestation. We bless You in that the unfolding of all existence is Your...

Practice of Blessing in a Troubled Region of Africa

I received this message from a dear friend in one of the tormented areas of the world – a region of Mali where warring rebels and Jihadists have created for years tremendous turmoil and suffering for the local populations, already among the poorest on the globe. I...
Blessing Prayer for the Universe and Humanity

Blessing Prayer for the Universe and Humanity

by Carolyn Bowyer Let us bless the Universe that we reside in, all the planets and their satellites, the asteroids and the comets and meteors and all the stars beyond.. Let us bless the Earth, our planet, the air we breathe and the water we drink and use, the seas and...

A Blessing for Global Oneness Day – October 24, 2016

The wonderful organization Humanity’s Team, an international spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and demonstrate the timeless truth that We Are All One, asked me to write a blessing for Global Oneness Day 2016. Here it is. I would like to preface it by...

A blessing for migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean

One can never insist enough on the fact that blessing is one of the main tools we have at our disposal for healing the world. Wherever we are, whatever the situation, we can bless. Some people complain that they do not know what to do to heal the world. Well, if we...

A blessing for children in foster care worldwide

Children in foster care often come from very dysfunctional families,  and the foster parents may not always be up to the high standard of parenting which should be expected for such a role. So the children concerned show much higher rates of school failure,...