Many people wonder if their blessings have any significant impact. So, I would like to relate the experience of Alyna Rouelle, a young French spiritual leader who, at the time I followed one of her workshops and had a personal coaching session with her, lived solely...
In recent years, millions have had to flee their own country for a variety of political, economic, social and other reasons, such as civil war. The challenge of adapting to a new country, culture, language, climate, customs… is daunting, as anyone who has worked with...
By Pierre Pradervand Finally, humanity is just beginning to perceive that our planet is a living being which has been infinitely patient with the abuse we have wrought upon it. We bless Mother Earth in its infinite abundance and stunning beauty, the wealth of its...
By Pierre Pradervand We bless all those fighting the pandemic – health workers and personnel, MDs, pharmaceutical and scientific researchers, not to mention those touched by the virus, in their understanding that “all things are possible to God.” We bless all...
By Pierre Pradervand Jesus’ statement that « even the hairs of your head are counted » is interpreted by some as a sweet poetic metaphor – and just that – by others as a ridiculous statement if taken literally. However, for those who believe that...
The normal functioning of our political systems demands a minimum of integrity and a certain restraint in campaigning. In recent years, these limits have increasingly been overstepped, sometimes in the most distressing manner. However, let us remember that once we...